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postcard from home

I wasn't planning on posting 3 posts in one day, but I couldn't help myself today.  AdAge today had an article about a recent advertising campaign Ogilvy did in Greece for Lacta, a Greek chocolate bar.  The campaign made headlines because the ad, which actually turned out to be a 27 minute short movie, was entirely crowdsourced (the short definition, outsourcing your business needs to the crowd). 

Now, there are several things about this ad campaign that just got me completely wired today. 

1) the idea of crowdsourcing being completely amazing

2) how well done the film was and how well it actually portrays so many of the aspects I adore of Greek culture (specifically the importance of Greek food which can be seen in a few places throughout the movie, the old Greek village and what it means to go back 'home' to your village, and the pathos of Greeks)

3) as a result of 2) I am even more inspired than I already was to make a home in a Greek horio surrounded by olive and fig trees (oh and ideally avocado trees since I just found out Greece exports avocados!) a reality


4) what this all means about globalization, and how while the world is getting flatter (as Thomas Friedman's book suggests), it is also getting more interesting. The possibilities for collaboration and linkages being formed across peoples, cultures, and generations (and that's just the tip of the iceberg) are just endless!
2/20/2011 10:35:05 pm

Happiness is beneficial for the body, but it is grief that develops the powers of the mind. Do you think so?


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    Reflections on living a double life, one foot in America, and one foot in Europe.


    March 2010



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